Abh-Abhar ag teastáil /Raw Materiels required

Beidh na liostaí seoag atharaú i gcónai. Is iad seo na nithe atá ag teastáil uainn.  Má tá rud éigin agat dúinn, dein teagabháil tríd an ríomhphost seo agus beidhmíd i dteangabháil leat. email icon

These list of raw materiels that we require for the project will always be changing as the project grows.  If there is something here that you feel you can contribute to or help us with, please contact us at the email below and we will be in touch with you. email icon

Abh-Abhar /Raw Materiel                  méid/amount             Geallta/Promised

Blocanna / Blocks

Malaí cement/Bags of Cement

Adhmad / Timber




Felt /Felt

Sclátaí /Slates

Tairingí / Nails+Screws

Péint /Paint


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